
The Training of the Twelve; or, Passages out of the Gospels, Exhibiting the Twelve Disciples of Jesus under Discipline for the Apostleship is unavailable, but you can change that!

The lessons and patterns in ageless management principles employed by our Lord with His disciples are an inspiring model for those who seek greater depth and stability in the Christian church today. Featured in this classic work is Christ, the Master Potter, molding and fashioning His disciples into useful vessels. The Training of the Twelve is rich in thoughts, not only for preacher and teacher,...

IT would have been matter for surprise if, among the manifold subjects on which Jesus gave instruction to His disciples, prayer had not occupied a prominent place. Prayer is a necessity of spiritual life, and all who earnestly try to pray soon feel the need of teaching how to do it. And what theme more likely to engage the thoughts of a Master who was Himself emphatically a man of prayer, spending occasionally whole nights in
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